Zuckerschmuck presents: Health Location App Libati

Sugar decoration products are now featured in the Explore Page of the Libati app!

With the app Libati, a young, friendly startup wants to make traveling and being on the move easier for chronically ill people, including people with diabetes. Libati is a community-based app that chronically ill people and people with physical disabilities can use to discover new places that suit their individual needs: App Function LibatiInfo App Libati Founder Team Startup Libati It works like this: First, the user registers and completes their profile. It is particularly important that they not only select the illness(es) they are affected by, but also the individual trigger factors or preferences. Depending on the illness, the user is guided through a series of screens that ask about possible preferences suitable for the respective illness. Once the user has provided all of this information, they land on a map that shows them the various locations in their vicinity - marked in traffic light colors red, green and yellow. A location marked in red indicates that, based on the ratings of other users, this location could most likely trigger the symptoms of the illness/does not correspond to their own preferences. Places marked in orange have received mediocre ratings for the selected triggers and a location marked in green should at least be highly likely to be suitable for the respective user. The Libati team explains where the idea for the app came from: "According to the Institute for General Medicine at Goethe University in Frankfurt, around one in two people in Germany alone suffers from at least one chronic illness. Even if not everyone affected is severely restricted in their everyday life by their illness, the results of our interviews were clear, as the respondents repeatedly described a similar problem in their everyday lives: For chronically ill people, it is very difficult to spontaneously go with friends to a restaurant, bar, café or similar that they have never been to before. The situation is similar with visits to hotels, AirBnBs or holiday apartments. Too much information about the locations is missing in advance. If someone suffers from asthma, for example, the person has to find out beforehand whether he/she has to climb stairs, whether there are parking spaces nearby, whether there is an elevator, etc. With diabetes, completely different things are important, e.g. whether the menu contains information about carbohydrates. Of course, this information could be found out in advance by doing extensive research and making phone calls. However, this means that spontaneity is no longer possible. That's why many people affected have told us that they have now "given up" because they can no longer keep up with healthy friends and family members and often have to cancel activities or even cancel them in advance. Our founding team has family members and friends in their own circle who are affected. We see a major social problem in the fact that healthy people today need three clicks on Google Maps to decide which café to visit next - while chronically ill people have to choose between a lot of research and staying at home. With our digital solution Libati, we want to ensure that chronically ill people are more included in society and can enjoy their free time and freedom."

Since the content of the Libati app is based on user reviews, the team would be very happy if many of you would download the app and rate locations you know.

You can download it here: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=andro.libati.app Apple: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/libati/id1576094260

The app also has an "Explore Page" that shows products from partners that have added value for chronically ill people - and sugar jewelry is now included too! Take a look, because there is even a discount code for Libati users!

Who writes here?

I am Sonja and I am affected myself: I have diabetes type 1 since I was 7 years old. With Zuckerschmuck® I set I implement all the ideas that I have had in 33 years with diabetes as Child, student, at work, doing sports and as a mother of two to make everyday life with diabetes easier, to make it happier and more colorful.

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